63 74 246 9968 cwearc@cwearc.org
Staff Completes Short Course on OIO PMERLA

Staff Completes Short Course on OIO PMERLA

CWEARC and Philippine partners successfully completed the Short Course on Outcome-Impact-Orientation Project Development Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Reporting, Learning and Accountability held from February to December 2022 in the Philippines. The workshops...

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Honoring women human rights defenders in the Cordillera

Honoring women human rights defenders in the Cordillera

In commemoration of International Women Human Rights Day (November 29), the 16-Day Campaign to End Violence against Women (IDEVAW) and International Human Rights Day (December 10), the Cordillera Women’s Education, Action Research Center (CWEARC) together with the...

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Covid-19 impact to women in the Cordillera

INTRODUCTION The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The World Health Organization (WHO) underscores that “most people infected with the virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without...

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Advocacy Publications

Advocacy Publications

The following advocacy publications by CWEARC are still available: Kali: Voice of Cordillera Women (Volume XIII No.1, December 2020). Cordillera Women’s Perseverance in the Struggle for Ancestral Land, Rights and Dignity (A Women’s Anthology of Poems, Songs and...

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A Women’s Anthology of Songs, Poems, and Stories

A Women’s Anthology of Songs, Poems, and Stories

Editor's Note It has been fifteen years since the publication of the first volume of KALI, Voice of Cordillera Women. The first anthology echoed the Cordillera women's recollection of the early struggles and their tributes to the victories of the pioneers of the...

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Corporatization of water and wind in Mt. Province

Years before, the winds in Sagada gave off the sound of rustling pine needles, the wings and songs of birds, and the fresh smell of the forest. Hardly did anyone think that soon enough, the wind would bring with itself the metallic sound of the spinning turbines of a...

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